LIVE event with Thomas: The In-Visible Ancestral Blueprint

LIVE event with Thomas:
The In-Visible Ancestral Blueprint

All-New LIVE Course: The Ancestral Healing Code

All-New LIVE Course:
The Ancestral Healing Code


Author: Stacey Marvel

The at-home workday during this pandemic might go something like this: Move from your laptop on the couch to perhaps the computer in your home

Collective Learning In a Time of Crisis We are going through a profoundly challenging time. Our habitual ways of living are being disrupted, which triggers

The Download Meditation has been around for twelve years. This is a virtual group meditation practice. It takes place on the first and third Tuesday

Around the world we are seeing examples of contentious and polarized political environments. In a recent conversation with Thomas, we asked about the state of

Thomas Hübl gave talks at Harvard Medical School and Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, in December 2019. “One of the major

Why is it important today to bring these issues together? Today, technological development is progressing almost explosively. Digitization of the world of work, industry 4.0,