
As we learn to see through the broken glass of trauma, we can engage in the global collaboration we need to solve the climate crisis.
We need collectively trauma-informed global work to de-ice the global stagnations we see in the face of development.
How we navigate our increasing collective anxiety will make all the difference for our future.
This guided meditation from Thomas Hübl invites us to open our hearts and access the power within them. With this contemplative practice, we can deepen
Thomas Hübl shares his perspective on the fundamentals of collective trauma. He explores what societies can do to foster growth and healing while enduring repeated

An Online Gathering to Learn How to Address Individual, Ancestral, and Collective Trauma from Speakers, Artists, and Visionaries “Trauma is not just a personal experience.

Individual healing is an integral part of collective healing – in witnessing one another, we grow together. Our individual healing is magnified when we share

Being in uncertainty is usually an enormous trigger of fear. The situation gives us a chance not to try to get rid of our fear,

We design the world through the relationships we live and the relationship quality we pass on to the next generation. When we practice more awareness

Conversation is the Soul of Democracy. Here are the main initiatives of More Democracy, an organization committed to the further development of democracy in Germany