LIVE Preview Event of the 2024 Collective Healing Conference

Join us for the all-new Collective Healing Conference



Archives: Events

Open and free! Information about the new Practice Group Leader Training in German, where you can learn transparent communication in group leadership. It starts in
Receive 10 days of new daily guided teachings from Thomas, including meditation and reflection practices.
How To Turn Crises Into Wisdom in an Increasingly Complex World.
A time of silence, contemplation and meditation in the powerful nature of Northern Germany. Being without having to be somebody. Go on an inner retreat
In-Person & Online. The popular summer workshop with Thomas will take place again in 2024 at Hof Oberlethe in northern Germany! Experience Thomas' work in
A 5-Month Intensive to Explore the Spiritual Dimension of Healing Individual, Ancestral, and Collective Trauma and Wounding
A live online community conversation facilitated by Zaya & Maurizio Benazzo, hosted by Science & Nonduality (SAND)
Learn how to address individual, ancestral, and collective trauma from 60+ speakers, artists, and visionaries